Efficiency at our core.
Co.Efficient Alpha.
Co.Efficient Alpha
We are Alpha. We combine technical experience with financial expertise to work on the most sensible investment clients need in order to secure them the best possible return in a business case. We believe the marketplace is a platform for doing good; we want to do good as we do well.
Our solutions support companies to be more efficient, innovative and sustainable, and most importantly, help clients deliver a positive return.
Our Name
(1) a constant
(2) a multiplier
(1) a reliability coefficient
(2) a leader of dominance
(1) maximum result with minimum waste
(2) competent, well organized
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
– Revelation 22:13
Our Vision and Mission
Vision directs. Mission empowers. Values shape.
We need a vision to know where we are getting to.
After we know our destination, the mission pushes us to get there.
As we push through, our values determine if/ when/ how we get there.
To be an exceptional company with outstanding people, quality products and efficient processes.
Identify the most sensible investment for every client and deliver the highest possible returns
Our Values
Same songsheet, same tune.
We do it together.
We are bigger than our fears.
If your mind can overcome, anything is possible.
We work hard, nothing less.
100% effort & commitment in every endeavor.
We aim to deliver excellence & achieve success.
You are the difference that make us different.
We respect who we are, what we have & all we do.
Create a safe space to belong, grow & shine.
We will do very well by doing the right things well.
Faith & focus shape your destination & destiny.
We are committed to one another's success.
Give of yourself & all will gain as one.
Our Commitment
Performance Guarantee
ROI in less than 3 years
Product Guarantee
36 months warranty
Service Guarantee
24/7 support
Our Founder
Founder & CEO, Damien Cheong
Damien started Co.Efficient Alpha to help businesses operate more sustainably and reducing costs through optimizing energy consumption. He also separately founded a consultancy and advisory company to support organizations in their digital transformation and upskilling journeys.
His business mantra - Creating an environment where colleagues are well and growing, taking ownership for what we do to run an ethical and profitable business . We operate sustainably, create innovatively and move efficiently. Learning relentlessly as a mindset, challenge and inspiration.
We do not settle for average when we can do great.
In previous capacities, Damien served in commercial leadership roles across Asia Pacific in the last 25 years, experienced in multinationals, SMEs and start-ups. He is well-versed in industrial, education and tech markets. A mathematician by training and an engineer by trade, he completed his EMBA in 2015 and is also a certified trainer (ACLP).
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